Monday, July 28, 2008

4月7日 星期一 大城古迹游


原来并不是放飞机惊魂,而是他们在对面的Ambassador Hotel等我们。


一上车,我们就批评司机放我们飞机,抱怨可能再次被骗。。没想到司机开口了。。他。。会说华语,一大惊喜。而且还蛮标准的。。哇, 赚到了


由于司机也是第一次来这个地方。。呵呵,所以他也很依赖我们的地图。。一路上,我们也有看到有人骑着大象环绕古迹哦。。可是价钱太贵了。。穷光蛋们还是决定坐Mr ah(第一声)ah(第二声)的车到处逛。。

第一站:Wat Phra Mongkol Bophit

Wihan Phra Mongkol Bophit: Phra Mongkol Bophit, a large bronze cast Buddha image, was originally enshrined outside the grand palace to the east. King Songtham commanded it to be transferred to the west where it is currently enshrined and covered with the Mondop. During the 2nd fall of Ayuttaya, the building and the image were badly destroyed by fire. The one currently seen is a reconstruction


第二站:Wat Phra Si Sanphet

就在Wat Phra Mongkol Bophit的隔壁

Dating From 1491, Wat Phra Si Sanphet was located inside the compound of the king's palace-the foundations of which are still visible-and served as the royal chapel, as Wat Phra Keo does in Bangkok. The three main chedis, although poorly restored, contain the ashes of three Ayutthaya kings, and the extent of the temple's ruins attests to its former splendor

第三站:Wat Ratburana 入门费:30baht
仿佛回到了古代。。 About halfway between the current town center and the ruins of the royal palaces is Wat Ratburana. Established in 1424 by King Boromaraja II, the temple was built to hold the ashes of his elder brothers, who killed each other in battle -- on elephant back -- fighting over the throne.
The temple's tall prang is better preserved that Wat Phra Ram, with many nagas, garudas and other statues beautifully rendered in stucco. Inside the prang is a crypt of sorts in which, during restorations in 1957, a whole wealth of relics was recovered. These can now be seen in the Chao Sam Phraya Museum near the main ruins


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